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Podcast Marketing

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Podcasts have become an integral part of the digital landscape.

Podcasts are really effective pieces of content for a couple different reasons. Podcasts are both incredibly convenient and efficient for your target audience because you can listen to them both on the go and on your own time. They’re also incredibly engaging. Not only do Podcasts encourage listeners to come back for more or to keep tuning in, but they also are easy to share and can often lead to additional conversation across social media platforms. They’ve become an extremely popular outlet for people, businesses, nonprofits and other organizations to get their message out and engage with their audience.

While podcasts are a common medium, there is a lot of work that goes into producing, publishing and marketing them to your audience. It’s a major time commitment to not only create and publish the content for the podcast, but also make sure that your audience can easily find and subscribe to the podcast once it’s published. Finlayson Consulting can help make sure your podcast is published and marketed correctly so that you can spend more time focusing on the message you want to share.

Podcast marketing services that our consultants can help you with:

  • Keyword research for your podcast so that you know exactly what your audience is searching for
  • Creating engaging titles and descriptions for your podcasts
  • Provide timestamps for the podcast description


Finlayson Consulting, LLC will act as a consulting partner for your podcast and help identify some best practices and opportunities that will allow you to get the most out of your Podcast Marketing presence. We can also help you manage your content calendar and production schedule so that you’re guaranteed to get content to your audience consistently.

Podcast platforms Finlayson Consulting can help with:

  • Apple
  • Spotify
  • Stitcher


Are you putting your podcast on YouTube as video? Finlayson Consulting can also help curate content from keyword research to market your video!

Contact us today for a free podcast marketing quote!

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Finlayson Consulting, LLC

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